Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday: A Little List of Questions

Hello; I'm alive! Yes, it has been a while--about a month, actually. I don't have a real reason for not posting lately except for that I've been spending time with my fabulous husband and have fallen off the blog wagon. And also we've been sucked into new TV shows like Downton Abbey(!) and Top Gear (U.K.). But, here I am.

Claudia over at Lashes & Beard tagged me in a little post of hers recently that asked me to fill out some questions about myself. Then, I'm supposed to tag other bloggers and ask them to complete a new set of questions that I create. Feel free to post your answers down in the comments, too! I'd love to see them.

Who would be the first person you'd thank in your Academy Award acceptance speech? Probably my family for supporting me. Sure, it's unoriginal. But really, the support of others is something that I really value, so I'd want to give them the credit.

What's your favorite kitchen utensil (and, of course, why)? I'm gonna change this question from kitchen utensil to kitchen "item." I am completely over the moon with my Pyrex 9x13 glass baking dish. Sounds nerdy, but I cook everything in that thing--from asparagus to brownies to chicken to fish to casserole to potatoes. It's brilliant.

Would you rather be able to only shop at Goodwill, and get everything for free - or - shop only at Neiman Marcus and pay 50% of the ticket price? This is a tricky question because while it might seem like a better deal to pick Goodwill and get a load of free goodies (which are sometimes really fabulous finds), oftentimes there's also a bunch of crappy stuff mixed in that shouldn't even be resold to begin with. But of course, NM is really overpriced. I probably couldn't be prompted to buy a single item there at just 50% off. I guess it depends on my current financial situation, which likely means I'd end up going with Goodwill.

What religion or belief system do you most closely identify with?

How old were you, and under what circumstances, did you break your first bone? I've never broken a bone, just sprained one thing or another over the years. I remember being in middle school and having crutches at school because I sprained my ankle doing something ridiculous--what it was, I don't remember. The great thing about that was you had permission to leave each class 5 minutes early to avoid the mad "passing time" rush. And it just made me feel cool, for once. (Middle school is rough that way.)

Is there a holiday you don't like? No! All holidays are holidays for a reason. I guess I sort of dislike the "holidays" that still require me to work, though. And of course my favorite is Christmas, since you asked.

Describe the best kiss you've ever had: See below.

When you go to your favorite restaurant, what do you usually order? I don't have a favorite restaurant, but sometimes DR & I go to the Black Forest Steakhouse for special occasions. It's a German steakhouse so schnitzel is on the menu, which I like because a good portion of my heritage is German. We haven't been in quite a while, but I would always get the Schnitzel Champignon: a breaded chicken cutlet covered in sauteed mushrooms and Bearnaise sauce, served with red cabbage and garlic mashed potatoes. Mmmm.

Why do you blog? I started this particular blog as a part of my leaning plan at work--to force myself into a disciplined writing routine and practice the art. But I tend to like them in general because you're able to interact with new people, communicate a lot of things quickly and easily, and show others a side of yourself that they don't normally see.

Where were you the last time you got some great news (and for Pete's sake, what was so great about it)?
This is sad, but I don't really remember the last time I got "great" news. I think it's pretty great when I plan a friend date, or eat something good for dinner, or get to sub and teach my favorite Zumba class--the simple things in life. But, something that sticks out is when my sister-in-law announced she was having a baby girl (due in 3 weeks!) last summer. We are so excited to meet her; I can't wait to have a baby niece. :-)

If you could pick anyone to be the President of the United States, dead or alive, who would you pick?
This is tough, but yes, I'll go with Jesus. I can't see anything about that ending badly for anyone. Although I'm sure people would still complain.

As far as tagging goes, I tag all two (not including Claudia) of my followers: this means you, Leigh and Anne. I'll also tag Justin (since he is guilty of not blogging lately, too). As I said, others are free to answer these questions in the comments or your own blog. I just don't know who else reads this bad boy.

My 11 Questions for You:
1. How many Facebook friends do you have? And how many of those people have you talked to in the last year?
2. Besides work, what do you spend most of your time doing?
3. What is your favorite thing to cook? If you don't cook, what is your favorite thing to eat?
4. Harry Potter or Twilight?
5. What is the latest thing you pinned on Pinterest?
6. To Tweet or not to Tweet?
7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
8. What is your favorite book and why?
9. Mac of PC? And, why?
10. What's your best childhood memory?
11. If you had to lose a body part (in battle or because of some sad illness), which would be the one to go?

1 comment:

  1. Alright, alright... I'm finally getting to this. In my defense, I didn't realized you tagged me! Okay, here we go...
    1. I have 383 FB friends. Which I think is down from last year... and now I want to know why.
    2. Sadly, when I'm not at work, I'm usually on my couch in my PJs with Ben, watching one of our favorite shows.
    3. My favorite thing to cook... probably a Dutch Fry. Caramelized onions, ham, potatoes, eggs and cheddar cheese all sauteed up together. BLISS.
    4. Tough one, but I'm gonna have to go with Harry Potter. My reason? There's more of them to love. :D
    5. The last thing I pinned was a funny comic about how girls look when they play video games. We get REALLY into it and always look pretty hilarious.
    6. Not to tweet. Although I don't hold it against those who do.
    7. Counselor at a church, teaching Zumba in the evenings. And of course, crazy in love with Jesus and Benjamin. Location is trickier... someplace warm would be nice.
    8. Favorite book... see, this is where I'm gonna get in trouble. I think all time fav has to be Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. Read it at least a dozen times over the years. Never gets old.
    9. PC. Cuz I know what I'm doing on it. And you can easily right click with the mouse.
    10. Maui vacation with my family, going body boarding everyday.
    11. Can be lame and say something like my left pinky toe? Or do I have to say a major extremity? Okay, fine. Major extremity gone would be me left arm.

    I hope this makes you smile! <3 L
