Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tasty Tuesday: Philly Boys Cheesesteaks

As I've mentioned before, we're trying to avoid meat these days. But, sometimes you have to break your own rules--especially for something as important and delicious as sandwiches (fun fact: sandwiches are one of my top three favorite foods). Management at my company persuaded a popular Seattle-based food truck to make the two hour drive up north for a very special occasion: lunch.

Lucky for me, my wonderful (& hungry) husband grabbed a place in line before I even left my desk. If he hadn't, who knows how long we would've been standing outside! Information was leaked to the local paper, who then advertised that the Philly Boys were going to be in town today. Naturally, others wanted a taste of the goods and so what was supposed to be a little company lunch turned into a city-wide spectacle. We waited nearly an hour and a half in the rain, wind, & cold with the smell of grilled onions and cheeze wiz taunting our senses. My husband even had to refill the meter twice! But, the Phillies were worth the wait. And as it turns out, I preferred the white American cheese to that cheeze wiz (even though the wiz is supposed to be more east-coast authentic).

Special thanks to my coworker Liz for allowing me to photograph part of her sandwich. I had forgotten to take a picture of my own because I was too concerned with stuffing it into my face as fast as possible. Yum.

Read more about today's cheesesteak madness here.


  1. Oh those look so good! Does Bellingham have a food truck movement?

  2. They were amazing!! I'm not sure if Bellingham has much of a FT movement--maybe a few taco trucks. And I know I've seen a random schnitzel truck down the street from my office! Yum. But I'm sure there are more that I don't even know about. The Philly Boys are stationed down on 4th Ave in Seattle (or sometimes next to Safeco) if you're ever in the neighborhood!
